Update: NoMad Linux 2.0 is on the way. It will include glibc-2.1.1,
and the latest gnome. We are looking for people to write
installation and configuration tools. Look for a snapshot of the
latest _rootfs-2.x, and glibc encap packages at
NoMad is a linux distribution
based on the encap package
managing system for ease of installation and upgrades.
NoMad's main purpose is to keep it's creators happy and give
them something to do in their free time. More and more, we see
NoMad as the distribution for the scientists/engineers/geeks
that know what the want and don't want anything else.
We follow the filesystem standard as closely as possible.
NoMad's base filesystem is pretty small at just over 10.5megs
uncompressed. This includes everything that is required for
the machine to boot up and that's about it. The rest (with the
exception of X-windows) is handled with encap packages,
making it rather simple to upgrade. Chances are, once you
install NoMad, you'll never have to re-install from scratch again.
(Xfree86 is an additional 26meg or so uncompressed.)
NoMad first came about in spring of 1997. During the following
summer is when the project really began to take shape. Most
major modifications take place when we're not busy with
classes and exams.
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